Music Player Advance GBA

Author: NEIMOD

This program helps you create GBA roms with songs without special cartridges. Is very similar to Winamp.

How to convert mp3 to GBA:

U'll need: A PC with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10.


Cool Edit Pro 2000.

1st step: Audacity:

First u need to load the song to audacity and add speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed (Trial and error till' u find the exact speed), after this choose: Export to MP3.

2nd step: Cool Edit Pro 2000:

Open the MP3 and export it as PCM Raw Data 16Bits.

3rd step: Convert it to .MPA and then to .GBA:

I dunno lmao check the README instructions for more details (I don't know how to explain it) XD.

Download (1,15 Megabytes)


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