Author: Dwedit

NES emulator for GBA, runs at a very good speed and accuracy. It can convert a lot of games (32mb in total) to 1 .gba rom, this program is used to create those 9999999+ cartridge with lots of nes roms for the Gameboy Advance.

How to convert?:

  1. Extract the .rar and open pnesmmw.exe.
  2. Press "Options".
  3. In "rom path" select the folder where are your nes roms.
  4. In "pocketnes rom" select pocketnes.gba.
  5. In "Main database" select pnesmmw.mdb.
  6. If ur' not going to use a Splash Screen, disable this option.
  7. Press "Ok".
  8. Press "Make Rom".
Download (233,45 KiloBytes)


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