Author: Steorophonick

This is a program that converts .avi and other video files (not mp4 or m4v) to a .gba rom that, !you can play in a real Gameboy Advance, It's like using YouTube on a GBA

The best configuration to convert your videos is this:

Format: .avi with compresion.

Color: 16 Bits.

Sound: 192kbps.


  1. In intup file select your video.
  2. In output file select a GBA rom.
  3. In Bitrate you have to divide (32000/x) - 10, where x is the amount of seconds in total.
  4. in Op select Trim, resise, aspect.
  5. Click "process" and wait for your rom.
Screenshot of the program.

This is a video I already converted for testing purposes.

Download (212 KiloBytes)


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