
Music Player Advance GBA

Author: NEIMOD This program helps you create GBA roms with songs without special cartridges . Is very similar to Winamp .   How to convert mp3 to GBA: U'll need: A PC with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 . Audacity . Cool Edit Pro 2000 . 1st step: Audacity: First u need to load the song to audacity and add speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed (Trial and error till' u find the exact speed), after this choose: Export to MP3 . 2nd step: Cool Edit Pro 2000: Open the MP3 and export it as PCM Raw Data 16Bits . 3rd step: Convert it to .MPA and then to .GBA: I dunno lmao check the README instructions for more details (I don't know how to explain it) XD. Download (1,15 Megabytes)


 Author: Dwedit NES emulator for GBA, runs at a very good speed and accuracy. It can convert a lot of games (32mb in total) to 1 .gba rom, this program is used to create those 9999999+ cartridge with lots of nes roms for the Gameboy Advance. How to convert?: Extract the .rar and open pnesmmw.exe. Press "Options". In "rom path" select the folder where are your nes roms. In "pocketnes rom" select pocketnes.gba. In "Main database" select pnesmmw.mdb. If ur' not going to use a Splash Screen, disable this option. Press "Ok". Press "Make Rom". Download (233,45 KiloBytes)


 Author: Steorophonick This is a program that converts .avi and other video files (not mp4 or m4v) to a .gba rom that, !you can play in a real Gameboy Advance , It's like using YouTube on a GBA The best configuration to convert your videos is this: Format: .avi with compresion. Color: 16 Bits. Sound: 192kbps. Tutorial: In intup file select your video . In output file select a GBA rom . In Bitrate you have to divide (32000/x) - 10 , where x is the amount of seconds in total . in Op select Trim, resise, aspect . Click " process " and wait for your rom. Screenshot of the program. This is a video I already converted for testing purposes. Download (212 KiloBytes)

Bimbo GBA

 Author: Aleski Eeben Bimbo is a Bitmap Mode Graphics Converter . Output format ( Binary , Assembler Source or C Source ) is selected in Export dialog file type box. Download (211.05 KiloBytes)


 Author: Tony Savon Image visualisator with good compatibility with the image formats for the GBA. Controls in the GBA: Trigger L: Go back one image. Trigger R: Go forward one image. Trigger L/R + Button A: Go back/forward 10 images. Trigger L/R + Button B: Go back/forward 100 images. Button A + Button B: Jump to a random image. SELECT Button: Help Screen. Button START + Trigger L: Go to timer mode. Button START + Trigger R: Go to Thumbnail mode. Mini-Tutorial: Open the app. Press Add File, then select the images. Press Build GBA Rom... and save it. Download (1.06 MegaBytes)


 Author: DevKitPro Team This tool dumps the bios.bin from a real hardware , it's compatible with most of Slot-2 Flashcards for the GBA ( Not DS Phat/Lite ). You can use it for: Use it with TWiLightMenu ++ or gbarunner2 . Use it with PC emulators like VisualBoy Advance to get better emulation . Download (106,89 KiloBytes)

Super Mario Bros All Stars NES

Author: infidelity Here is a hack which combines: Super Mario Bros . Super Mario Bros. 2 JPN (The Lost Levels) . Super Mario Bros. 2 USA . Super Mario Bros. 3 . Also added into this hack is the ability to use SRAM to save your games and to save your top score in Mario Bros. This game is using Mapper 005 (MMC5) and it uses 1MB/1024kb’s of PRG-ROM, & 1MB/1024kb’s of CHR-ROM. Except for Super Mario Bros, all the other Mario games are converted to MMC5 as well. Note: An MMC5-capable emulator is required, otherwise the graphics will be a garbled mess. To access Mario Bros, on the game select screen, hold A and press Up on Super Mario Bros. Donwload (2 MegaBytes)

What is this?

 The GBA Domain is an idea that came out while writing a review of GBA and others retro consoles like NES and SNES . This site is meant to work as a repository of whatever i can pull for ya', eg: Hack Roms , compilations of emulator for old consoles and compilations of Roms from other consoles to the GBA. Also i'm going to bring some homebrew from this consoles :D.